Parenting and Divorce during a Pandemic In the past year we went from feeling on top of the world to feeling anxious and full of questions about a sudden and still unpredictable disease that is plaguing not just the USA but the world as a whole. vaccines may be the…
Divorce Affects Your Health If You Allow It! Divorce is never without stress and this has its downsides, especially when it comes to your health. Divorce can be one of the most stressful times in a person’s life. Divorce affects your health in so many ways if you allow it. Divorce…
13 ACTIONS you should avoid when you are newly separated! Going through a Divorce? There are rules newly separated couples need to follow while going through the divorce proceedings. Newly separated folks often do and say things that they will regret in the future. Emotional outbursts and acts in the name of…
DISCOVERY AND THE OBLIGATION OF PARTIES TO SUPPLY REQUESTED DOCUMENTS Is your Lawyer billing you hourly? Choose your lawyer carefully and read this article to find out more. One of the most frustrating matters in litigation, and especially family litigation, is the use and misuse of what is commonly called discovery.…