This question depends on a multitude of factors, mostly yourself. In Georgia, a defendant in a divorce action has thirty days to answer the complaint for divorce and then the parties have six month to complete all of the discovery necessary to prepare for the action, and this period can be extended. So you see just using the rules of procedure a party can prolong a divorce action. Luckily most divorces do not continue for much longer than this period, the reason being that there is nothing more to discover to validate prolonging the matter and most people simply become financially and emotionally exhausted.
This is what I meant when I said it is up to you. Let me tell you a secret, most attorneys who have litigated many divorces know fairly well how long and what the results are likely to be. The problem is that many attorneys either fail to guide the client with this knowledge or become overly emotionally involved in the matter to the determinate of the client. Sadly, sometimes, while you are paying billable hours there may be no real incentive for the attorney to push for a resolution to an extremely emotional and lucrative matter. So, once again, it is up to you. Ask your attorney for an honest evaluation of what you are likely to receive and then ask another attorney. Have your spouse do the same. And, no matter the level of animosity between you and your spouse focus on the issues, take the emotions out of the matter and seek the quickest and most equitable resolution. The court will surely give you a result neither party totally is happy with and it is most likely the result the attorneys expected and one you could reach in a fraction of the time for a fraction of the cost.